April 21, 2010

How to make a hexagon quilt

So far I have hand quilted nine flowers and all the hexagons in between.
I thought I would share with you how I made my hexagon quilt.
First my DH drew and cut out my hexagon template for me.
Then I traced the hexagon on recycled printer paper.
I laid the paper on my fabric and basted it to the fabric.
I cut out the hexagon leaving a one forth inch seam allowance all around the hexagon.
I folded over the seam allowance using the paper as my guide and basted the edges down to the paper.

I butt the edges together and whip stitch them.
This is what it looks like on the front side.
I might make a little sewing kit like this one to carry with me in my purse.
This is a great project to carry with you.
I like having my thread wound on a bobbin so that it is convenient to  carry in my tin.

I am hoping that I can finish it by the end of July.
It is a full size quilt with a two foot hang on either side and enough length to cover the pillows.

I will talk more about the pattern in my next post.

April 16, 2010

Easter Rabbits

Here is our rabbit hutch that we got off of free cycle.
This is Catherine's rabbit Athena. 
This is Isaac's rabbit, Ms. Gray
 This is Isaac holding his rabbit.
Here is Isaac and Catherine building a rabbit run so the rabbits can get some exercise.

April 9, 2010

OINK the Pig

When we lived in Oregon, Winston was 3 and he wanted a elephant.  We couldn't get him an elephant, so we got him a pig instead.  We built a fenced in place up in the woods.  But our pig was social able and wasn't used to being quarantined.  As a result we were never able to keep him in the fenced in area for longer than 15 minutes.  He laid around the yard and the chickens would follow him and clean up after him.  He would run up in the woods and get muddy in the stream. We had a huge gas bottle and OINK would knock it over and turn it on and it would just spew gas. When we walked OINK went on a walk with us.  It was kinda scary because it was a country road and there were a lot of blind curves.  We were afraid that someone might hit OINK, and we would be responsible for it.   So one day Joe decided to tie OINK up.  We had an old farm tractor and we chained OINK to that using a VW seat belt for a "leash" around his middle.  Oink grew and grew.
     One day I was getting Winston and I ready to go to town and Joe started screaming.  He was in the Pig pen getting it some food when he accidentally got the chain wrapped around his leg.  I really didn't know what I could do because if the pig jerked one way the chain would probably tighten.  So I just had to hold my breath and watch.  Fortunately nothing serious happened.
     When OINK was really small he was adorable but when he got big, it wasn't hard for us to turn him into ham and pork chops.  OINK provided the best bacon we had ever had.  It didn't reduce in the pan but held it's shape.  It was also totally delicious cooked on a wood cook stove.  YUM.

 This gives you an idea how big the hexagons are.

 My goal is to quilt everything I can inside the hoop and move it over once a day.

I really enjoy quilting.
Last weekend I bought the new thimbles.  
I really like the gray one, and I am going to go back and get one for my thumb.

April 5, 2010

New Tesla Video

Hi Hope everyone had a great Easter.
We had a busy Easter...complete with a couple new bunnies...I will have to get some pictures. 
It rained a lot this weekend.
However my husband and son had fun making this last week.
DH made this video last night.  Hope you enjoy.

I have been working on my hexagon quilt.  So nothing creative happening right now.  "Rest Before Action"  I am feeling like I need a creative break to just dream.